30 Days of Drawing: Day 1


To celebrate my love for drawing and as a means to get loads of practice embedded into my schedule, I am embarking on a drawing a day for the next 30 days! While I am excited to begin, I am also a bit nervous to make such a commitment. But I can do this for thirty days! I’m hoping to create a wonderful habit, and to make some images that I am really excited about.

I hope you follow along on my journey.

Lee Lee’s: an experiment in logo design

The past couple of days I have been staying at my parents’ house and spending a lot of time with my mom. It’s been a nice mini vacation from everyday life, but I’ve made sure to sneak in some graphic illustration learning & practice time. After studying the antique collections and contents of a cabinet in the kitchen, I set out this afternoon with the goal of creating a hand drawn logo with handwritten type on the interior. I worked from a sketch of a saucer, then traced, scanned, and vectorized. Woah! What a challenge to someone who is new to both photoshop and illustrator.. I had no idea! The vessel shape was actually the easy part while the type took sooooooo long to do. I had to search through and experiment with several tutorials before I found an adequate example. I spent the greater part of today working on this fake logo, and even though the final design is a little unrefined, I am very happy with my first attempt. I also think having a “mock logo” for my mom’s house is sweet.